Friday, April 06, 2007

Hello, hello are you there??? are ya, are ya???

It's official. And it's sad.

I can no longer enjoy a cuppa coffee after 6 pm.

The other day I was talking with my friend, who has always been very particular about not enjoying a caffeinated beverage after the dinner hour. I took a long sip of my coke classic, and told her that I needn't worry about such preposterous notions. I was able to have a coffee with some tea AND coke AS I turn down the sheets, and still be asleep within 15 minutes.

Well heck, why'd I have to go and say that.

Tonight after the delicious Easter dinner put on by my mother in law, I enjoyed a coffee and a slice o' pie. It wasn't until bedtime rolled around that I noticed something was different.
I was buzzing like a bee.

Soooo here I sit, with nothing in particular to say, other than ....CALL ME. I'm bored out of my skull...since the others have gone to bed, I've already done 2 loads of laundry (washed, dried and folded) I've cleaned the playroom, organized the laundry room, checked on my children, watched the washing machine spin, was tempted to poke Ashlyn just to have something to do, played with the kittens, did a load of dishes, organized my menu for tomorrows dinner, then decided to come to my faithful blog.

And that brings me to now.

I still feel like singing the national anthem at the top of my lungs, while marching back and forth in my kitchen as I prepare tomorrow nights dinner...

D'ya think I had a liiiiittle too much caffeine a liiiitle too late? huh? do ya? do ya?? huh, huh? whad'ya think? huh? c'mon tell me..c'mon, c'mon, c'mon....

I'm gonna go run around the house now.


Mandalyn said...

So funny! I still don't know if I could give up my caffeine when I wanted it. I'm addicted!!

Jethro, Squirt and Mel said...

You know I too had the same trouble lastnight...but I had no caffeine? To pass the time at 10pm I went into town for a 30 minute speed walk.


Anonymous said...

Whew! I hope you finally were able to sleep!

TeaMouse said...

I couldn't sleep last night either, but I'm dealing with anxiety over my son's soon to be independence.

I can still manage to drink tea, coffee, pepsi at night...but the odd time it will catch me and I'll be up til the weeeeeeeee hours!

Jenny said...

Ha!Ha!Ha! That is so funny. I've been there before! I will say that some days I can drink coffee at night, and still sleep; other days, I'm up until about 4 am. And after a three hour nap, I'm back up. Who knows what they put in there??!!!
You brought a smile to my face and a chuckle to my belly!! :)

Jenny said...

I kinda sound like Santa Claus, huh? I am married to him....and you do start to favor who you marry....this is depressing....