Thursday, December 07, 2006

Inches, lady, inches.

What a blustery day.

I made an error this morning in thinking there are 12 cm in a foot when in fact there are 12 INCHES in a foot (I was reminded by both my husband and Jen, that if we do decide to homeschool, this is in fact a common equivalent, and that perhaps I should brush up on my conversions, I said 'Huh?, my kids ain't gonna know no measurements, all they's need to know is how big my hand is in relation to their bee-hind *snap *, kidding, kidding)

Anywho, even though I was mistaken, I do believe there is the potential of over a foot of the white stuff. It's been squalls on and off all day...

I was tempted to go out and play, but that would involve me getting 2 kids dressed in snow gear and possibly threatening my hair-do. Can't have that now. Not since I just got it straightened, and it would only take one lone drop of sweat or a snowflake for my hair to re-bound to kinks and curls. So, thus my children were left to stand grasping the back of the couch, gazing longingly at the snowflake parade outside. They'd rather help me clean the house anyway. Mmmmwaa hahahahaha...

Perhaps tomorrow I will allow them to see the light of day, and their little eyes will be blinded by the natural light, they will fall to the ground kissing the snow, eating it and enjoying the wonderous outdoors. Acting as though they've been locked up for years. After being in the dungeon for so long with chest colds, they will feel free...

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