Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back- End...

Conversations with The Hubs...

(Scene - me standing on chair, cleaning out the cupboard above the fridge...Him, seated on chair, eating, and watching me clean...)

Hubs - You know, I think your back end is getting smaller...

Me - (mortified) Pardon Me???

Hubs - That was a compliment....

Me - No, that means you thought my bum was huge at one point!

Hubs - was getting kinda big...

Me - Ahhhhh!!

Hubs - Well, you always told me to be honest...

Sometimes I fear for my husbands life.


TeaMouse said...

If he turns up 6 ft under the barn we'll all know, but hey you're secret is safe with me!!!

Congrats on the weight loss.

Anonymous said...

Dear Hubs,

From now on I would never refer to any part of your woman using the words big, large, fat, enormous, or anything else that could be assumed insulting. Also, if you are taking notes from the Rosser man, on how to talk to your woman. Don't. It's not a wise move. This information is for your own safety, and well being.

Thank You
The wife of your man

Anonymous said...

Okay, your hubs has got to wise up! And the egg accident...OMG! I was on the edge of my seat reading it! I am so glad you are okay. You know that could have been really bad. Oh, and I am totally in love with your slide show. Wonderful pictures.

Unknown said...

Too funny! Husbands. They just are so dear, and yet soooo...clueless.

Great blog! Thanks for stopping by Farm Fresh--it looks like we have a lot in common!