Friday, April 13, 2007

a little bit of everything...

So I lied.

There ain't no good writin' goin' on. At least not here and now.

I'm beat, it was a long day and I'm ready to hit the hay.... figuratively of course...I really could go and hit the hay in the 'hay mow' upstairs in the barn, but that would be itchy and I wouldn't sleep very well. Maybe one day the kids'll want to go and camp out up there one night. But the mice would probably chew our hair off and we'd be bald by morning...

Please. Excuse. The. Randomness. I don't know where my brain has gone. Probably up in the hay mow having some wonderfully needed down time.

Enough of the hay mow.

Onto Gardening...

I planted some pepper and tomato seeds,(many of which I saved from our own vegetables, and some of which I acquired from our wonderful organic farming friend) several weeks ago and they've sprung. All of them. I was hoping for 5 or 6 if I was lucky, but I've ended up with about 50 of each variety. Lucky me.

So I decided to thin them out and transplant the seedlings into pots of their own, they look lovely, but are consuming some serious space in the house. I've perched them in front of the south facing windows, and after Ashlyn spilled several pots and the cats ate several seedlings, The hubs and I decided we needed a better place to perch them.
We purchased a small greenhouse, and I can't tell you how darn excited I am. The feeling of dirt beneath my fingernails is long awaited...forget the gardening gloves...I want to have dirty 'ol nails and a ring caked in mud....and then sniff it....only to hack at the mustiness of the earth.

Ahhhh, good times, good times.


6Pigtales and A Buzzcutboy said...

K, uumm like you lucky duck you! i am envious of you and your new greenhouse! That's awesome though and that will for sure keep the pots upright! Best of luck with your growing this summer!

Fiddledeedee said...

That's a good looking green house. I'm afraid if I had one, it would be called the brown house. Or the dead zone. I have to gardening talents at all. I'm a notorious plant killer. But I want the cycle to stop! I'm going to attempt planting flowers out front. To detract from the dead grass.

Jenny said...

OOhh, my hubby wants a greenhouse so badly. And this time of year makes him want to grow every piece of food we eat. Today at lunch, he was saying we could grow our potatoes and this and that.....and I have a feeling one day I will be growing every piece of food I eat. But, then, I'll be healthier, huh? He buys tomato plants instead of seeds, but next year? We're going to try seeds from the tomatoes we have this year. We'll see!

Full of Grace said...

A lil' greenhouse, I am excited for you :) I cannot wait till I can start planting in my tiny flower garden...I guess I have to wait until this darn snow goes away though, right? :)