Monday, August 27, 2007

Giants and Pixies...

It's not usual that my brother ,the Giant, can be fooled. Rare in fact....but we had him going...he may well deny it, but we'll always have the photos.

It was a beautiful night, mid-week through our cottage stay... Brother giant was building a roaring fire, Oma was making hot chocolate, and Aliesha (Giant's wife) and I were discussing was the norm for us during our stay, as we're both expecting in January.

Just as we got settled in our chairs for our lakeside fire, Oma decided to play a little trick on the Giant. She placed 2 fire colour packets into the flames while he wasn't looking. We were all aware of what had happened..and waited for the beautiful coloured flames to appear.

First he thought it was the pressure treated wood .... it must be that....the chemicals are burning and making the beautiful display. So...he threw in another piece....

The colours stayed but didn't get any he began speculating that perhaps the sand was providing some kind of reaction as it hit the flames.... like ...ahem...pixie dust.

And here it is folks...the 'pixie dust' being ever so gently flung on the flames by the giant. (there ain't no denying it now...)

It's okay Giant. We knew you didn't actually buy into the whole pixie dust theory.......
pixies aren't real.

....It was those fairies.....

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I get the biggest kick out of your stories!! :)
My daughter had to go to the dr yesterday. My son said "Let me give you some advice: don't poot." And I died laughing!! I had read your hubby's story to him.