Sunday, January 17, 2010

been awhile.

How y'all been?

Nothings changed but the picture around here. Since things have all but stopped in the farming department (the hubs may not agree as he is still tending and milking the herd twice daily) .. I decided to try my hand in blog land again. For guarantees on tomorrow.

To shed some rust and break in these knuckles (*crack, crack*) thought I'd post the top 10 list of updates.

1. Gabe is now in SK...reading very well and enjoys each and every day at the institution of education.

2. Ashlyn is in JK ...socializes very well and enjoys each and every recess at the institution of education. (and will be attending full time next year, as the school board has just changed the schedule of every other day to every day learning)

3. Eden is at home and is learning her ABC's. The soother is long gone, and soon will be her naps as well...just not worth the fight any longer. She'd rather be watching little bear anyway.

4. Dave Ramsey has blessed us with his fountain of financial wisdom, and we are making headway.

5. The treadmill found its way into our bedroom..and it stares me down morn and eve. I am new in my resolution, and vow it will not become a clothes negative side says it's only a matter of time.

6. I am fighting the dirt craving as it's January here in snowbelt Ontario and there's none of the black gold to be seen. Soon enough though potting soil will find its way beneath my fingernails to begin the seedlings.

7. Christmas was wonderful...glad to have put the decorations away now, regular routine and decor has a certain comfort.

8. We're attending a new church.. a Harvest church, and it's fantastic. Sunday is a defining day in my week, as I actually have to get dressed. (hee hee ho ho...what I MEAN is .. get dressed in clothing that is acceptable to wear out of the house or barn...)

9. My child is talking my ear off, and I'm finding it difficult to think of a ninth update... how about, the house is a wreck and the laundry is in piles....oh wait... that's nothing new.

10. uh. ya. ummm.

So there ya have it folks. A real waste of internet. My next update will include an exhaustive and detailed listing of my meal plan...for the month. (oh wait...some of you might actually find that interesting...)


Kelly said...

Glad to see you are back! I missed you. Look forward to catching up!

Dana said...

So glad you're back. Sounds like things are going well in your neck of the woods. Would LOVE to see some new pictures of the kiddos. I bet they're getting SO big!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you finally posted something again. I was missing your good reads.... as for the last part of your post I will be one of those interested ones..... I need your wisdom and guidance. Love ya - BK