Saturday, September 23, 2006

Last Straw...

Okay, This. Is. It.

I think I'm ready, and I'm tired of being tired. I just donated all my skinny clothes and I'm itching to buy some new skinny clothes (when I have money that is!! Can't throw the budget out the window...yet) Soooo....that leads me to my next thought commented, I listened...(ahem, Christin)

Let's do it!!!

I'm roundin' up any ladies for an online weight loss support group. I think between all of us women we could come up with a pretty inspirational way to shed a few pounds. We could encourage, motivate, provide accountibilty and laugh (alot)....

If you're interested, send a comment ...and we'll get this ball rolling...

My button popping off in the grocery store was really the last straw for me, how about you?


girlebert said...

Don't you SERIOUSLY think we need to meet at East Sides or Macdonalds to discuss our options:) Then take our "fat" pics to post of each of us, and see the results in a few years:):)!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mmm, a pic of me stuffing my face with a greasy burger, now that's an incentive to lose weight! I'd have to post it on my fridge :)

Hey that's a great idea, take a pic of yourself eating a burger and submit it to and they will be posted on the blog along with your goal pound loss!!

HA! that will be priceless...

Anonymous said...

Are you calling me fat?? Hee hee...oh wait a minute that's the leprechan that lives in my belly button...i haven't been able to find him for a while now...lost in the bubbles of cellulite. I like the spare tire look...and it will be hard to let go of the rolls, they keep me warm..hence saving me money on my heat bills!! jen