Friday, January 26, 2007

Quoting Gabe the Babe...

Conversations with a 2 year old:

He says: "Mommy do you like my maggots?"..."Yes honey, they're lovely magnets".

While reading a Dora book yesterday we were looking at stars and comets, a few hours later Gabe brings the book to me and says "Oh no ..Mom, the vomit is going to hit little star!" ... " Oh honey, you mean comet..."


While peeing on the potty the other day, Gabe proudly starts and stops his pee midstream and says " Mom, I'm just like the super big water fountain aren't I?" ...." Yes honey, you are."


He and Ashlyn are starting to get along and they are so polite to eachother, Ashlyn says 'thankyou' now and Gabe always replies with a 'you're welcome'. The other day Ashlyn was crying and Gabe approached her and said "It's okay Ashy, it's just me Gabriel, don't be scared....Daddy's here Ashlyn, I love you".

1 comment:

6Pigtales and A Buzzcutboy said...

AAHHH..the loving brother and sister. I have another friend whos kids get along really well guys are so lucky to have that between your kids. We have a ton of fights here..i am wondering if thats a " girl issue " too! LOL
