Wednesday, November 05, 2008

punkin night.

Here are the hollowed punkins...

Hollowed by this bulging still my heart...
Reached in by this little character...

Scooped out by same said character... (for the record she almost choked and died on a pumpkin seed that evening...I was too busy watching her hands than her mouth.)

Lil fairy princess....

clown. (seriously folks, I needn't hear about the absolutely horrible job I did on her eyebrows. Ashlyn doesnt' have eyebrows on a good day (being a red head and all) and these just made her look so freaky ... Icould hardly bear it. But we were rushed and with a slip of the hand , there they were. She's the kind I dream about...shiver.)

And the grand finale. Mr. FBI himself. At every door we went to he said " FBI agent at your service!"
... I just about ready to ask him if his forensics kit could remove makeup eyebrows.

1 comment:

6Pigtales and A Buzzcutboy said...

Great Halloween pic's looks like u guys had fun! Cute costumes.