You see, my little strawberry head has a fetish for bags, purses, sacks, and pretty much anything that can hold stuff....loads and loads of stuff.
Recently as I was cleaning I found at least 10 bags full of junk...and by junk I mean toys, papers, writing untensils and so forth. She's got a problem my friends. It was time for an intervention. Upon the last cleaning of the playroom, I hid each and every purse I came across. I thought we were home free for a bit .....then she found an old clinique bag, and loaded it with every bit of makeup she had been given over her few years. (my cast-offs, my mothers cast-offs, and my mother in Laws cast-offs...she's got more makeup than the avon lady..)
I'm off to hide her school bag and lunch pail ... who knows what she could fit in those.