Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tweet, Tweet.
The hubs and I were at our co-op store recently (yes, we do frequent this store often, as it seems that the Home Depot isn't keen on carrying calf feed and salt licks) and they've put up a new little display in the corner of their store. It was dedicated to all things feathered...whether it be a water feeding dish for chicks, or high-tech bird feeders. I decided to purchase a small suet feeder for 2.99 and a little seed bell (which is bird seed formed into the shape of a bell....perhaps I didn't need to explain that..) anywho, I brought them home and hung them on a shepards hook outside the livingroom window, hoping at the most to see a starling or two, for the kids to enjoy. Welllll....let me tell you, there are some weeeeird lookin' birds out there. We started off with blue jays and finches, and we've been promoted to woodpeckers and some zebra looking's quite ...well I wanted to say exhilarating, but I thought you'd think I'm lying. But really .... I love having pretty little creatures a foot or two away from the end of my nose, gently pecking away at their seeds.
Unlike the hubs, who tries to turn his head quickly while he sits on the couch in front of the window, hoping to scare my little friends away. They're hardy little buggers though, they have probably just deduced that the hubs has a tick and is just a poor man with a mental deficiency who is trying to enjoy a good look at them.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Mommy- 'Gabriel whats wrong??' (I asked this because he was standing very quietly in the corner)
Gabe - ' doesn't matter...'
M- 'Gabe....what's the matter?'
G - (Looking very sheepish..) 'Mommy?'
M- 'Yes?'
G - 'I put one boogey in my mouth, ... and ate it'
M- 'Oh.' 'Do you know why you shouldn't eat boogies?'
G - 'Yes. Because they are made of dirt,.....but they taste like salt...'
M - 'Ah.'
Monday, January 29, 2007
Rashes and Feed Bags...
I use scare tactics to make my boy child listen to me. Is that wrong?
Today, for instance, he pooped and peed in his underwear (he has been fully trained during the day for months now, but has decided to test our patience lately, in this loving pleasant.) So, because I don't find spanking useful in instances like this, instead, I scare him into using the potty again. Now, don't start thinking I traumatize my child by wearing a scary mask and threaten him in a deep voice with the Un-potty monster...not so. Rather, because my child is intellectual enough to understand consequence, I use ....well.....consequences, of the not-so-fun variety. Today's was, 'If you don't use the potty again, you'll get a very bad rash from pooping and peeing in your underwear. And if the rash gets really really bad, your meemee (pet name chosen by him for his dingle) might fall off'.
As soon as I said this, he got very thoughtful. After staring into space for awhile (imagining his poor meemee laying lifeless on the floor) he said...'Okay mommy, I'll use the potty'. And so far accidents since.
I believe his wild imagination helps in these scare tactics... some children couldn't give a cracker whether or not 'they will get stolen by a stranger, if you let go of my hand' they just continue on their merry way.
This one is my favourite...we were recently at our local farm feed co-op to pick up some feed for the cows, and Gabriel decided it was the perfect time to throw a tantrum (not of Ashlyns caliber, but bad enough that I had to do something for fear of the bag slinging, feed man thinking my children were unruly and mis-behaved) so I thought of something that would scare the seat kicking, screaming boy, and came up with this gem......'If you're not quiet, the man will put a feed bag on you.'
Ashlyn was alarmed and unsettled by the sudden quiet that overcame the backseat and after a few moments she felt the need to pick up where he left off. She (who couldn't give a cracker if I told her she was going home with the feed man) keep yelling and flailing. Gabriel quietly said 'Mommy, I think Ashy wants a feed bag on her head.'
I guess my only worry is that when Gabe goes to JK, I can't really have him saying 'I use the potty, because if I don't my meemee will fall off, mommy told me so.' Or 'My mommy said the feed man will put a bag on me if I'm not quiet.' ....oh goodness, could you imagine??
Hmmmm, perhaps I'll save the tactics for reallllllly special occasions only....
Sunday, January 28, 2007
It runs about $20 for a medium sized tub, and it smells delicious. Once I applied it to my babes skin, it was like applying a velvety coating of the smoothest, sweetest cream...they loved it.
We've also put vapourizers in each of their helps with the dry skin and dry noses. When I walk into their rooms to check on them before I go to bed, it's like walking into a warm (not hot) sauna, with all the moisture. Feels nice.
Anywho, if you've got any helpful hints on how to alleviate the dry itchy patches, I'd love to hear 'em!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I couldn't have asked for a better leader for our home, he is a man who is so dedicated to his family and teaches me daily about living life for Christ.
In his sermon, Dwight goes on to say that you must be saved in order to enter the gates of Heaven...and he further explains that being saved is not just a 5 line prayer that you've said in church before, but rather a death to your old way of living, A new life, in Christ. Confessing your sins and repenting, and believing with your whole heart that Jesus Christ died to save you! When one comes to this point, there is no option but to focus upward and must give up your life of sin, and focus on your life in Christ. You are a changed and renewed wonderful!
As he is speaking on the fear of God, he was giving a couple examples of fear, and what drives that it failure, or loss?? He goes on to explain that although God IS a God of love, we must also FEAR him! His Holyness is so pure and blameless, and we are but humans that could never compare to him. We need to bow-down to our maker,... he has the final say in whether you are to reside in Heaven or Hell ...for eternity.
The hubs had a list of examples he was giving for fear, (ie...fearing you might be getting a ticket from a police officer makes you slow down, fearing that she may lose the life of her child gives a mother super-human strength to lift a car off her baby) and that these fears make you react, but yet the fear of God is sometimes unapparent in our lives, we don't react, we just live like life is a day after day's time to fear God again. Don't sit idly by, renew your faith, live for him...and make each moment count for Christ!
I must tell you about the week the Hubs has had.....(it's apparent that someone doesn't want him to speak these words today...) It started with the food poisoning, two times, which zapped him of his energy, made him sick to his stomach, and didn't help with writing out his sermon, ...then came a sore throat, he's getting the sickness I brought home from my holiday and finally the last attack came today. He was up in the silo working on a piece of the feeder that occasionally comes unplugged, when a black starling bird came to see what he was up to...anyone that knows my husband, knows of his fear of birds. He despises them and the way they flap their wings in his face when he is up the just gives him the heebie jeebies. Well today the Starling decided to get friendly, it roosted on his shoulder and on his head, it flapped and chirped in his face and Dwight was on the top of the silo...he said he just had to keep focused on what he was doing....poor guy. He eventually finished up and safely made his way down the ladder again. Thankfully.
Please pray for him as he speaks today, prayer is powerful!!
UPDATE: It went really well!! Dwight said he made it through without too many nerves, and even got a few laughs. The men remained at the church discussing the topic of the sermon for a whole additional hour after Dwight finished speaking. Another man was inspired by the words God put in Dwights mouth today, that he will be preaching on a Sunday 2 weeks from now, on the same topic. All in all, he said it was a wonderful and inspirational time for the men present.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Quoting Gabe the Babe...
While peeing on the potty the other day, Gabe proudly starts and stops his pee midstream and says " Mom, I'm just like the super big water fountain aren't I?" ...." Yes honey, you are."
Thursday, January 25, 2007
The hubs is to be bringing me some advil cold and sinus, but has been side-tracked by making an extra stop along his way. His friend Harold is finally getting his barn set up again (after it burned for the second time) and today is the day he is getting 'the ladies' home. It must be a wonderful feeling to be at this point, although feeling this for the second time perhaps not as exciting.
So although I'm yearning for the drugs, I understand his delay....
I've just booked a cottage for my family this summer, and I can't tell you how the very thought of it just keeps me going, oh the anticipation of hot days spent in swimsuits, pails and shovels, potato salad and bbq-ing, boardgames on the deck and time with family. It makes me salivate.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
fat lip and frozen meatballs...
It began with a sore throat, (only to be laden with a full blown cold this morning...yay) I awoke to the sound of banging at 4:30 am. Thinking the hubs was already in the barn, I ventured downstairs with trepidation, waiting to see the face of a burglar, while in my jammies. As I prepared my fists I realized the sound was coming from the basement...the sound became clearer and I realized it was an axe making contact with a log. The hubs was down there chopping wood ... this could only mean one thing. We were out of oil.
The thermostat still read a frosty 15 degrees by 10 in the morning, and after I opened the fire box in our furnace...I could see why. There was no smoke or flame, the logs were still intact.
I am the exact opposite of a pyromaniac, and frankly I suck at lighting fires, particulary when it counts. So I made a quick call to the hubs and he came in and started a roaring blaze that would make a mexican sweat. I mean that in the nicest way possible...It was darn hot. So I proceeded to take off a few layers, and just as I was about to remove Gabes slippery wool socks when ...boom, he fell and put his teeth through his lip. (no mother of the year awards will be handed out here this year) Here's a pic of the damage.
Next came the food poisoning. I made spaghetti 2 days ago and Dwight was the only one to eat it... later that night he was feeling ill. It lasted a day or two then he was feeling okay again. Yesterday for lunch I asked him to finish up the left over spaghetti and meatball dish (pasta, sauce, and frozen meatballs...I know, I know, no wife of the year award either) and again he felt ill after eating it. Well lastnight was much worse and he was sick to his stomach....I finally put two and two together and realized the common link in both cases...and as he was the only one to eat the spaghetti, I have a pretty good idea that it was the culprit. I'm wondering if perhaps the meatballs had thawed somewhere in the store and some bright shelf stocker just put them back in the frozen case, or if perhaps the sauce was tainted. I feel reeeeally bad about this, especially since Dwight is speaking at our church for a men's breakfast on Saturday... I really hope he feels well enough to prepare his topic and is able to speak.
Monday, January 22, 2007
We only lasted about 5 minutes before the wild child had enough. The dancing dog was no longer amusing her, and her brother was about ready to clock her on the head. Even the trees were shaking what little snow they had left on their limbs, to fall upon her small head, hoping to silence the squawk box.
The snow knocked her over, and her brother wasn't about to help the wild child in her power tantrum. As he gazed on with a quiet delight over her compromised position, her true knight in shining rubber boots came to the rescue and saved little miss muffett from her snowy demise.
Good thing for Daddy, 'cause I would'a just kept snapping pictures.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Power Tantrums..
Saturday, January 20, 2007
We also indulged one night and got a Cold Stone Creamery ice cream cone, (and yesss, that's exactly why I'm currently shopping at plus size stores...) which is ice cream put on a slab of cold marble, you then pick any toppings (I chose peanut butter, and reese peanut butter cups in chocolate icecream) then they use 2 spatulas and mix your combination on the stone, they then put in into a sugar cone and Wa-laa you have a VERY delicious ice cream.
When we were at the ocean, we visited a store called 'Anything Joes''s a store that carries lots of very cute kids items that can all be personalized. My kids have recieved several awesome gifts from aunt Alison from this store. I found a very cute large hand bag that will now serve as my new diaper bag. I had our last name put on it, and it looks great. I'll post a pic once I have one.
I probably spent a little too much, and I can try to justify it till I'm blue in the face, but instead I'll just hop back on to our budget and carry on (...with a few nice things under my arms)
Friday, January 19, 2007
Once the plane rose to its altitude and stopped turning, I was able to open my eyes and see the clouds below us. For the next hour, Gabe and I drew tractors, talked about Jada and ate bits n' bites.
Once we landed (quite smoothly I might add) I ran off the plane and kissed the ground, vowing to never rise higher than I can jump. ever again. ...Okay so I didn't kiss the ground, but the vow still stands! We found Aunt Alison, Jada, Mom (in-law) and Uncle Burt. Gabe ran to Jada and they spread their arms and gave eachother a big hug....SOooo cute :)
We spent time shopping, meeting friends and neighbours of Burt and Alison, snuggling with baby Zachariah, going out for dinners, and just catching up. Gabe and Jada were like 2 peas in a pod, copying each other, playing together, and acting like hooligans.
Well...there's the short version of our trip, I'll post more detailed stories later, once I've caught up on the laundry..and get to know my daughter again...We were apart too long, and I was so at home again with her in my arms.
Friday, January 12, 2007
North Carolina Bound....
Once she grew tired of trying to snatch peoples blackberries and cell phones, she played run away as fast as you can towards the open stairs. It was great fun had by all.
Eventually we loaded them all up and picked up our luggage and found our way to Union Station again. We were supposed to be able to pre-load the train in order to find ourselves a 4 seating arrangement and to get settled before the long ride home. WEllllll....not so. As I was trying to calm little miss tantrum ...again....we were sitting in the waiting area playing peek-a-boo with an elderly lady who thought she could help me by waving her shaky little hand to get crying Ashlyn's attention. Ashlyn picked up on her cue and quieted down and played a happy little game with her....I was just about ready to ask the nice lady if she would like to take Ashlyn home, but then a dirty little hobo sat down beside us...and I was contemplating whether he may be a better candidate to take on such a challenging little girl. He looked agile enough to keep up with her, he'd probably have some grrreat stories to tell her, and they both needed a bath....
I was just about to ask him, when they yelled for all passengers of train 84. Umm Pardon me??? Were we not to be pre-boarded?? We caught up to the crowd and discovered that we had no advantage over the other 400 passengers, we were to scavenge for seats just as they had to. It seemed as though all hope was lost ...when out came my gay, hand-flinging, via-working, train steward(ess) in shining armour. He was 'Oh ssso ssssorry' to hear that we hadn't been pre-boarded and was able to do a neat seat -flippy thing that gave us a 4 seat arrangement .....Ahhhhh...(or so I thought)
We were off...and so was Ashy, Off to win loudest baby on the planet award. several times. It was quite nearly one of my most embarrassing moments...not of the funny variety either. She decided it would be cool to try out her first, most savage, body twisting, ear-splitting tantrum ever. It was horrific. People were giving me those ...'Oooo I'm sooo glad that's not me' looks, with a combination of 'Shut that baby up' and a little 'Wow, she's really loud huh?'.
It was spectacular, she would have kept going if it wasn't for the reeses pieces I was shoving in her mouth, followed by some mouth fulls of apple juice.
The best was when she fell asleep 5 minutes before our stop, and as I was walking out I could hear people whispering...."There's the lady with the crying baby..." It was so nice to be popular.
TO trip
Sunday, January 07, 2007
T.O Bound...
I hope to blog again on Friday, (we get back late Thursday night) and then I and Gabriel are off again on Saturday. This time it's a Jet plane to North Carolina to visit Dwight's Sister and Brother in law and their 2 babies. Dwight's mom is also there, and we'll be driving home together. They say the weather has been beautiful there, and the tulips are starting to turn up...they must be just as confused as we are by all this nice weather.
It'll be nice to finally see what Alison and Burt talk about. I'll also be meeting baby Zachariah for the first time, he was just born in December, and he's already been through alot. He's been diagnosed with Sickle Cell Thalassemia (I probably totally spelt that wrong) but it's a disorder of the blood. It's something that Burt and Alison will have to wait and see how it affects him and the symptoms (pain in the extremities, and prone to infections) won't begin until he's 2 years old. We've been praying so much for this little guy, hoping God will carry their family through and that little Zach will have very few, very mild symptoms. Gabe prays for him every night..."that Jesus will make Zach all better".
Anyway, I'm just printing off the itineraries for our trip, then off to finish up some laundry and start packing. I hope you all have a wonderful week, I can't wait to have some great pics for you ;0)
"Talk" to you soon...
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Beef Stroganoff Recipe
Beef Stroganoff
In the Crock Pot combine:
1 can mushroom soup
1 medium chopped onion
1 lb. stewing meat (fast-fry before putting in crock pot for a more appealing colour)
1 tbls. Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup water
Salt and pepper to taste
(add extra mushrooms if desired)
cook on low for 8 hrs. or high for 5 hours.
Stir in 1 package of cream cheese before serving. Serve over egg noodles.
Yesterday the hubs and Gabriel decided to go and visit some friends who have recently taken up the challenge of a goat farm, for milk. There's 150 milking goats and they also have 18 milking cows.
They have put in a mini parlour for them and they share the milking of the goats and the husband takes care of the cows.
This is little Willy, he is a kid (goat baby) and was having fun chewing on Gabes coat zipper. Gabe got home and told me that goats feel like dogs, and he met 'Wiwee' (Willy) ... I keep asking him what the goats name was, I just love hearing him say 'Wiwee'.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).
Are You Gooder at Grammar?
Make a Quiz
I was on my game yesterday...dishes done, laundry cycling, toys picked up, lunch made, borrowed items returned, then BAM it hit me.
I was upstairs throwing a comforter into the washing machine and as I was crouched in the position that one would be in when they are throwing in the comforter...and I felt a slight pop. That's all it took...couldn't get out of said position. Ooooeeeee. I waddled my way back downstairs, head hanging over my toes and laid on the couch. The hubs applied a sticky heating pad to my lower back (yes its supposed to be's one of those sticker tensor bands, not just a dirty ol' heating pad) and after 2 ibuprofens, I was starting to feel better....I can still feel it this morning but nothing this big mama can't handle. After all, the hubs goes to the barn 2ce daily with a bad back and a flat foot and he doesn't complain, even when his ankle is swelled up like ... like my nasty pregnancy ankles, the ones that are easily compared to a large citrus fruit. Grapefruits or huge Florida oranges.
Anywho as Dwight is in the barn with his other ladies... I must tell you a story of a poor cow. If you're easily overcome by sad animal stories...please do not read on. If you're a glutton and need to cut down on your consumption, please, read on to find out what could happen to you.
There was a cow, lets call her Bessie. Overnight the other night, Bessie broke out of her stanchon (the chain that ties them up so they can't run amuck, and so they take the time to lay down on their comfy beds at night and produce milk) and she was like a cow gone wild. She decided that while all of friends were happily munching on their cud, she would search out the feed cart and have herself an extra meal...or seven. Cows don't really act on their feelings of 'Ooo I'm full' they see food and they eat it. and eat it. and eat it. Well once Bessie nearly consumed a cart load of high protein feed, she went along her merry way. Until they found her at 4 in the morning with a bloated belly and the sweats. Poor thing, she ate her way to sickness. Dwight let her try to walk it off all morning...they say mineral oil is one of the best things to help things move along...just like in us humans.
So I guess the moral of the story is eat smaller portions, If only I could heed my own words. (and not eat a bowl of whipped cream, with a piece of chocolate cake and some pudding) I guess I'll just keep a mental image of Bessie in my head, or just look down and see my body's growing likeness to Bessie, and realize it's time to turn on my 'Oooo I'm full' feeling.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Have a wonderful day, I'll be shutting off the puter for the day so I can focus on the tasks at hand...I'm easily distracted :)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Mission: Playroom Organization...
Dwight has now hung the chalkboard at a perfect level for Gabe. Here is a pic of that and the train table Gabe received for Christmas...we're working on putting a nice track together this afternoon, then we're nailing it down so miss Ashy poops can't tear it apart.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Treasure Trove...
I've cleaned out a large cupboard that is located above the playroom by a few steps. It will now house my unopened packages of diapers and wipes and anything baby related that needs to be stocked. It was interesting to go through this cupboard and remove old glassware, thermos', mugs, and my favourite....a box of unopened ice cream cones from the 80's. Every Grandma had to have an extra box of these around in case of a surprise visit from her grandbabies.
I didn't know Dwights Grandparents, they passed away before I met Dwight. He tells me special stories but it's still hard to imagine them. I have an advantage though....we've moved into their house, and a lot of their details still live here. As we've slowly renovated things, I've gotten to know them better...whether it be through the small clips of special articles Grandma clipped and stuck between the floor boards while they were putting on the hardwood, or the special recipes she's saved from war times and the oily fingerprints that grace the pages, Even the vintage stationary that's left unwritten, tells of her taste in paper.
Some would find it a daunting task to inhabit and slowly make their own way in a house that is still packed with so many memories, but I like to look at it as getting to know 2 people that meant so very much to my husband.
Monday, January 01, 2007
I'm currently tackling 3 projects -
1. play room re-organization - all the new toys from Christmas need space and some of the older ones need to be rubber-maided. I'm purchasing 2 new storage compartments from Toys r us that have small and large bins for organizing toys. Woo hoo...nothing like a clean playroom, the kids might actually play in it.
2. Cleaning out my den/office - clearing out all old paperwork, organizing scrap book items, clearing desk of clutter etc.
3. Cleaning the house after the severe bug that went through here. Things went to pot. I'll readily admit it. It's pretty messy/dirty 'round these parts and everything needs a good disinfecting. Plus all the regular stuff...I kept up the washing and drying of the laundry but the folding fell behind.
We're off to the Royal York hotel in Toronto next week for Dwight's DFO/DHI meetings (dairy farm meetings) and I want the house spotless and organized before I leave.
I guess this all makes for a clean start to the New Year...